Comparison : coton vs cellulose

I wonder why i haven’t record this video before ! Paper is for me extremely important. That’s paper that will make your color flow and gradient more easily. So it’s important to know your paper and use is mindfully !

Maybe you know it already, i’m using coton paper all the time. Even if i started with cellulose paper because of the price, now i’m using only coton paper. The first difference between them is of course the price. Cellulose paper is way more affordable than coton. So when one start watercolor painting one often choose the cheaper paper for obvious reason. But i can recommend one thing : try the two type of paper and also different brands. By testing lots of paper you’ll be able to know what you prefer. I prefer coton paper but maybe a different blend will be more appropriate for your style.

Of course i’ll tell you every differences between the papers in the video below. But what you need to have in mind is that it’s important to find the paper that works for you. A paper that will fight against you maybe isn’t a paper for you. It’s better to train and exercise with the paper you feel good with even if it’s more expensive because when you paint with a certain paper you’ll develope some habits with it. So for an exercise or a bigger painting, i’m using all the time coton paper. And if i’m not happy with the result i always can use the back of the paper !

Paper comparison in video

100% cotton paper vs cellulose paper : Comparison - ENGLISH VERSION

Supplies :
Brush : Escoda aquario nº18.
Papers : 100% coton Saunders Waterford rough. Cellulose affordable unknow brand i found in my art shop.
Colors : Cobalt blue (Schmincke), Ultramarine blue (Daniel Smith), Winsor red (Winsor & Newton), Nickel azo yellow (Daniel Smith), Aussie red gold(Daniel Smith).

And here you have the two little painting (click to enlarge) :

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Un pourboire est le bienvenu ! Et pour le faire en toute simplicité, direction Tipeee !