This week i wanted to paint something i paint quite often : waterlilies !

I like to paint this subject and i think i paint it almost every year. I’m starting to have quite a lot of video about this particular subject ! I can’t get bored painting them, i find always another way to paint them. This time i’m painting some waterlilies i’ve seen in a parc in Montjuic, Barcelona. In this parc there is a fantastic collection of aquatic plants of which quite a lot of different waterlilies.
Like every painting with white flowers, i need to protect the white areas where i want the flowers to be. The best way for me to do that is negative painting. It’s not a perfect realistic shape and i’m not working towards precision. I focus my work and colors and general shapes : i want to paint an ambiance, a feel, a memory
Painting waterlilies in video
Supplies :
Brushes : Escoda Último nº18, Escoda 1/2″ oval, Silver brush Black Velvet 1/4″ dagger shaped.
Paper : Arches hot pressed 640gsm.
Colors : Indanthrene blue (Sennelier), Indigo (Isaro), Nickel azo yellow (Daniel Smith), Rose madder lake (Sennelier), Lavander (Daniel Smith), Transparent red oxide (Daniel Smith).
And here you have the finished painting (click to enlarge) :