Discover Watercolor
Beginner or confirmed artist, this space is dedicated to my passion for watercolor, for you to enjoy !
Watercolor and gouache are my passion for a few year now and i want to share them with you. On this website you’ll find portfolios, videos, blog… Beginner and less beginner artists, i’m confident that you’ll find something interesting that catch your eye here !
You are interested in one of my paintings ? They are almost all for sale : contact-me !
You want to learn watercolor or grow your skills ? Enjoy my videos !

Want to buy my artwork ?
Almost all of my paintings are available to purchase !
Please contact me for more info !


Painting a pond with waterlilies in watercolor
This week, i wanted to work again on the same subject than last week, but with a twist : a pond full of waterlilies !

Painting waterlilies in watercolor
This week i wanted to paint something i paint quite often : waterlilies ! I like to paint this subject and i think i paint

Painting roses in watercolor – Easy
This is kind of the following up of last week video. This week i wanted to paint the same subject but in a much easier

Painting roses in watercolor – Difficult
At the beginning of may, I went to an exposition of roses in the Cervantes parc in Barcelona. And of course it gaves me the

California poppies in watercolor
This week i wanted to paint a very solar flower : A california poppy ! Even if i have quite a lot of reference picture

Easy : Painting an oliv tree in watercolor
Easy : Painting an oliv tree in video Supplies :Brushes : Escoda Último nº18, Escoda Último 1/2″ oval, Silver brush Black velvet 1/4″ dagger shape.Paper