This week i wanted to paint a subject totally in season, crocuses, but with a twist : i try to play with some abstract notions !

Just above i share my reference picture for today’s video and also another video i made about crocus 3 years ago. It was a bit more realistic back then but still very loose.
So for today’s video, i decided to focus my work on colors and shapes. I tried to not paint too much details in order to let the imagination of the viewer do the work. But in order to keep this painting together and unify i work on repetitions of shapes and colors. My goal here is to make the shapes and colors respond and sing together and it will help your eye to travel through the picture.
Painting semi-abstract crocuses in video
Supplies :
Brushes : Princeton Neptune nº8, Raphaël petit gris 903 nº12, Léonard 972 PS Aquarellys.
Paper : Arches hot pressed.
Colors : Nickel azo yellow (Daniel Smith), Transparent red oxide (Daniel Smith), Rose madder lake (Sennelier), Indigo (Isaro).
And here you have the finished painting (click to enlarge) :